Breast Lift (Mastopexy)

  • Poor skin elasticity, gravity and other factors such as weight loss, pregnancy, and breast-feeding can lead to a loss of breast firmness and shape.

    A mastopexy, or breast lift, corrects these changes, giving the breast a more youthful appearance and texture.

    This procedure can be performed alone or in combination with an augmentation or reduction to improve contour and volume.

  • The surgery is best for those whose breasts have been affected by factors such as weight loss, aging, pregnancy/breast-feeding, genetics and/or gravity to restore firmness to the breasts and reposition nipples that point downward or to the side.

  • Your surgeon will examine your breasts and take photographs for your medical record. He will consider such factors as the size and shape of your breasts, the quality of your skin and the placement of your nipples and areolas (the pigmented skin surrounding the nipples).

    During the consultation, you should be prepared to discuss your comprehensive medical history. Relevant information includes current and previous medical conditions, drug allergies, previous medical treatments, pregnancy, history, and current medications.

    Your Plastic Surgical Arts surgeon’s recommendation is based largely on the complete and accurate information you provide during this initial visit. You will be asked whether you have a family history of breast cancer, and about results of any mammograms and breast biopsies.

    If you are planning to lose a significant amount of weight, be sure to tell your plastic surgeon. He may recommend that you stabilize your weight prior to undergoing surgery. If you are smoking, your surgeon will not perform this surgery. Smoking cessation is necessary for 3 weeks prior to surgery.

  • Your breast lift surgery will be performed at one of the many ambulatory or outpatient facilities in Lincoln. Check-in is typically 1 1/2 to 2 hours prior to your surgery time.

    Prior to the procedure, the surgeon will speak with you briefly to discuss the procedure and make any necessary markings. Then a general anesthetic is administered; this type of anesthetic ensures you are asleep throughout the procedure.

    Once the surgery is completed, you will be required to remain in the recovery area where you will continue to be closely monitored.  

    You will be sent home with a surgical bra and in some instances, small drain tubes will be placed in your breasts to avoid the accumulation of fluids.

    You may be permitted to go home after a few hours, unless you and your plastic surgeon have determined that you will stay in the hospital or surgical facility overnight.

  • Following the procedure, your breasts may feel firm or tight as a result of swelling. This is common and may take several weeks to fully resolve. Many women use over-the-counter pain medication to relieve any discomfort associated with the swelling, but it is strongly recommended that you not apply ice to reduce the swelling. You should continue to wear a soft and supportive bra; one is generally distributed after surgery.

    It is common to have minor complications associated with your incisions. Usually this is due to tension on the skin or the internal sutures working up to the top of the skin. They are easily treated with washing with soap and water daily, applying antibiotic ointment, and covering with a clean dressing or unscented sanitary napkin.

    Smoking delays healing and increases the risk of complications. We ask that you delay smoking for at least three weeks prior and three weeks after surgery.

    Infections are uncommon, but can occur. If you are experiencing high fevers, excessive drainage from the incisions, redness, or swelling that is not symmetrical with your other breast, you should contact our office at 402-483-2572.

  • Depending on your job duties, you may be able to return to work within a few days to a week.

    Vigorous activities, especially arm movement, may be restricted for two to three weeks.

    Sexual activity should be avoided for at least the first week following surgery.

    After that, care must be taken to be extremely gentle with your breasts for at least the next month.

  • Unless you gain or lose a significant amount of weight, the results of your breast lift surgery will be long-lasting.

    Gravity and the effects of aging will eventually alter the size and shape of virtually every woman’s breasts.

    If, after a period of years, you become dissatisfied with the appearance of your breasts, you may choose to undergo a breast lift to restore a more youthful contour.


    PAIN CONTROL: Take your pain medication every 4-6 hours as needed the first few days until your pain lessens. Always take your medication with food in your stomach. Do not drive or operate equipment while on your pain medication or until you can stomp on the brakes and crank the steering wheel without pain. Do not drink alcohol while taking prescribed pain medications. Narcotic pain medication can cause significant issues with constipation. Please start using a stool softener the day of night before surgery and daily there after until normal bowel function returns.

    DRESSING/INCISION CARE: You may shower starting the day after surgery, but make sure someone is with you the first time. If the dressings stick to the incision, you may remove them while showering. Use soap in the shower and let the water run over the breast area. You do not need to face away from the shower. Do not scrub the incisions. Following your shower, pat the breasts dry with a clean towel. Place clean dressing over the incision and wear a tube top/ “sleep bra” until no more drainage is noticed. When you become more active after the first few days to a week, you may want to wear a sports bra that is not too tight on the underside of the breast. Do not wear an underwire bra until instructed. Do not apply any lotions or creams to the incisions until OK’d by your doctor. It is OK to use moisturizing cream to the skin away from the incisions. Do not rub in too vigorously. If drains are used, drain sites will generally produce more drainage than incisions, but will close on their own after the drains are removed. It is normal for your breast to appear somewhat boxy (meaning a relatively flat bottom to your breast instead of a normal curved appearance) and for the nipple areolar complexes to be not perfectly round. It is also normal for the incisions to have puckers. These will improve with time as your absorbable sutures disappear. Your breast will take on a more natural appearance after the first few weeks.

    CONTACT YOUR PHYSICIAN (402.483.2572) IF ANY OF THE FOLLOWING OCCUR: Initially, your breasts will have some swelling.: One breast may be slightly more swollen than the other or may be more painful. If you experience significant pain or swelling in one breast than the other, please call our office and talk with the clinical staff or physician on call. If you are running a fever of greater than 101 degrees F or more, have redness or drainage from either breast, please call our office. If you notice one or both nipple areolar complex to have a deep bluish discoloration, please call our office. If you notice the incision gaping or opening in any area, please call the office. Please call with any concerns or questions you may have. We would rather hear about something unimportant than miss something that is.

    ACTIVITY: You can lift your elbows to the level of your shoulders, but not above. It is OK to grab something from a shelf at eye level, but not above. On your first day at home, you may begin to exercise by walking short distances and increasing this activity each day. You can and should move your arms, but for the first three weeks: do not do any heavy lifting and minimize lifting above your head. It is ok to lift your arms to wash your hair in the shower. Four (4) weeks following your surgery begin massaging the breast scars, using the palm surface of your fingers in a circular motion. Apply a lotion that agrees with your skin and push the scar against your body while massaging. Your scars will soften and lighten in color over time. Protect the breast scars from tanning for at least 12 months.


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